Exhibition: “Liliana Porter: Actualidades / Breaking News”
While Liliana Porter’s carefully structured vignettes invite us to relate to the inanimate objects as human surrogates, her explicit cinematic editing disrupts a direct correlation between reality and its representations and emphasizes the varied and contradictory meanings of things.

Exhibition: “Evade or Ensnare: Decorative Illusionism in Historic and Contemporary Painting”
“Evade or Ensnare: Decorative Illusionism in Historic and Contemporary Painting” features paintings that work the gaze into an active form of looking.

Exhibition: “Communal Medicine: Tending Abundance”
“Communal Medicine: Tending Abundance” features works by Gina Goico, Perla Mabel, and Rixy that explore abundance as an aesthetic strategy and political commitment oriented towards healing collective traumas.

On Being Home: Chloe Luisa Piñero’s World-Building (Jul 5, 2022)
The richly layered compositions of Piñero’s works engage a range of concepts, thereby lending themselves to an expansive array of interpretations. Situated in an active hair salon, “On Being Home” invites a considered engagement with the themes of beauty and desire in Piñero’s practice, as well as the stakes of these themes in our immediate context.

Exhibition: “Negotiating Grids”
“Negotiating Grids” examines the use of grids in contemporary art and life.

Exhibition: “Vernacular Glamour”
“Vernacular Glamour” features works that mobilize the artifice and exuberance of glamour to address the complexities of everyday life.
Precarity and Equity in the Art Museum
I now find myself navigating the economic uncertainty of a pandemic as a perpetually emerging professional. While I’m anxious about the increasingly slim pool of open curatorial positions, especially for emerging or mid-level professionals, I am even more frightened about re-entering the hiring pool of a racist and classist field.

Queerness and Blackness in the Archive: An Interview with Felicita “Felli” Maynard (Aug 19, 2020)
Felicita “Felli” Maynard is a genderqueer Afro-Latinx photographer based in Brooklyn who works against the silences of our archives and the violent history of photography to create images grounded in speculative history and consent.

ICA/Boston: Friday Art Notes: Soundsuit (Jun 27, 2020)
Cave reminds us through this Soundsuit that hope and joy, like grief and rage, are integral to the hard, messy work of bringing about a world where it will not be a radical gesture to state that Black lives matter.
SMFA at Tufts University: Curated With Care (Aug 5, 2020)
Before the pandemic hit and this exhibition had to close early for safety reasons, SMFA spoke with the curators involved in the Museum of Fine Arts exhibition, SMFA at Tufts: Juried Student Exhibition 2019- 2020, to discuss their experiences curating works shown at the renowned museum.

Artforum: Boston’s Institute of Contemporary Art Announces Curatorial Appointments (Feb 6, 2020)
The Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston (ICA) announced today the appointment of Anni Pullagura as Curatorial Assistant and Juan Omar Rodriguez as Curatorial Fellow.